Muscle loss - Rejuvenate Clinic

What is Muscle Loss?

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle cells shrink or degrade as a result of disuse, poor nutrition, aging, or disease. This leads to reduced muscle strength, coordination, and endurance.

Some key points about muscle loss include:

"Over a lifetime, even a small loss of muscle mass in each decade can add up to meaningful changes in your strength and physical ability," says nutritionist John Smith, PhD.

The key is strength training consistently along with proper protein intake. Try activities like using resistance bands, lifting weights, Pilates, yoga, and even household chores or gardening to encourage muscle growth and retention. Check with your doctor at Rejuvenate Clinic if you notice sudden muscle changes that diet and exercise modifications fail to improve. Maintaining muscle should be a lifelong, proactive goal - our mobility and vitality depend on it!

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